Saturday 24 April 2010

I've Done It Again..............

..........Mum isn't speaking to me. Dad went off with someone called Scottish Graham this morning to make new doors so Mum took me out and then I watched her whilst she did some mopping and stuff and after that she cleared off to look at someone's Canary, whatever that might be.

Not really a good day for me as I just couldn't resist a bit of plaster scratching. She was so angry when she came home and made me go and lie down under the table, I didn't get any 'good girl' biscuits either.

Dad seemed to be on her side until we went out for our walk this evening and then he said 'don't worry about Mum, her bark is worse than her bite'. I really can't understand that one!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Funny Mummy

We've been having loads of those phone calls lately where they want you to sign up for internet and stuff. The oldies have been moaning about it.

I was sitting next to Mum's feet earlier and heard her answer the phone. Another one, I thought. She went on to say in almost perfect Spanish, that she didn't speak the language, was from England, apologised and said goodnight!

Whoever he was must reckon that she's lost her marbles!

Monday 12 April 2010

Bad Ear, Good Ear.........

Another appointment at the vets. Charlotte came along with Dad and me this evening and she was well interested in the procedure. I doubt if she would have been that happy and smiley if they had been sticking stuff in her ears!!

It seems that my right ear is looking a lot better than the left so Mum has taken over the drops as she reckons that Dad isn't doing it properly. I must admit that she was well gentle and it didn't bother me half so much.

We have to finish the bottle and go back again. I still don't like that vet as she won't offer me a sweetie. Thankfully, I met up with Jenny on my way home and she gave me a chew stick.

Got to go as it's time for a big snooze xx

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Lotions and Potions..............

...............Mum says I have more than the Wicked Witch of the West!
My ear infection isn't getting any better and the latest lot of stuff has to be applied three times a day. It's horrid. The new vet who I don't really like shoves swabs into them and then makes me go back the following day for the results. I've been four times so far and not one sweetie. She did suggest putting cotton wool into them. No chance, does she want me to lose my street cred and look like a loony?
Dad made sure I was comfy tonight and I have a cushion to lean on..............I do look poorly, don't I?