Tuesday 31 August 2010


I bet everyone thinks that this a photo of me but it´s my birth mother, Libi. Mum was wandering around Facebook last night and found this on Janie´s page.

Janie said that I could use it on my blog so here it is. I feel a little sad.

Monday 2 August 2010

The Van Turned Up

Such bad parents! I thought I was being taken for a walk and then my Dad went over to this really vulgar looking van. No way was I going in there but Dad picked me up, threw me in and then left me.
The lady was really very nice and had the air-con on so it was almost like spending an hour with Candice. I had my cut and blow dry and Dad came back for me. We didn´t find out her name but we know that her brother is living in Manchester and attending college there.
She gave me a treat just as Dad arrived so I thought it might be nice to stay. I got dragged out and was taken home. I never ever know which way to play it!

Thursday 29 July 2010


The oldies have been discussing me and my woolly monkey look for a week or two. I presumed it was time for Candice to come and collect me but nothing has happened yet.

Then they mentioned a van.............what on earth are they up to?

Friday 9 July 2010


Lexi´s Mum and Dad decided to get a new puppy this week as they missed her so much and needed another dog around the house. My Mum said that she felt the same when Top died and that is why she got me.
Annabella looks well cute and I´m so looking forward to meeting her.

Monday 5 July 2010


I will be three on Thursday. I can´t wait for my pressies. Maybe Auntie Maz will find me another big bunnie and Mum and Dad might take me out for a treat.

So excited!

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Mum says..............

............that we are going to be cheerful because we´ve been boring lately. She told me that Auntie Shona will be turning up late on Friday night. She´ll miss the footie!

I´ve been on a learning curve. Mum says ´find big bunny´and I go and get it, then I have to find my football and I did that. I got a bit tired after that and lost interest so maybe I´ll fetch little bunny tomorrow.

Night night x

Thursday 10 June 2010

My Poor Friend

I know that I´ve published this photo of Lexi before but I´m just saying goodnight to her.
She has been diabetic for the last few months but has been active enough with her daily injections which made everyone think that all was well. She has now lost her sight and has to go to the vet´s tomorrow.
Mum says that Muriel and Bill will go with her to hold her paw whilst the vet gives her an injection. She will go fast asleep forever.
I feel really sad........night night Lexi xxx

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Auntie Shona

I´ve been pestering Mum for ages to find out when she´s coming to stay as we normally get one of those email thingies before now.

She doesn´t know yet because she has a problem with her hands and needs to go to the hospital. Poor Auntie Shona.............get well soon.

What will her room do now without it´s half yearly clear out? The longer she leaves it the less chance she´ll get past the books to her bed!

Saturday 24 April 2010

I've Done It Again..............

..........Mum isn't speaking to me. Dad went off with someone called Scottish Graham this morning to make new doors so Mum took me out and then I watched her whilst she did some mopping and stuff and after that she cleared off to look at someone's Canary, whatever that might be.

Not really a good day for me as I just couldn't resist a bit of plaster scratching. She was so angry when she came home and made me go and lie down under the table, I didn't get any 'good girl' biscuits either.

Dad seemed to be on her side until we went out for our walk this evening and then he said 'don't worry about Mum, her bark is worse than her bite'. I really can't understand that one!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Funny Mummy

We've been having loads of those phone calls lately where they want you to sign up for internet and stuff. The oldies have been moaning about it.

I was sitting next to Mum's feet earlier and heard her answer the phone. Another one, I thought. She went on to say in almost perfect Spanish, that she didn't speak the language, was from England, apologised and said goodnight!

Whoever he was must reckon that she's lost her marbles!

Monday 12 April 2010

Bad Ear, Good Ear.........

Another appointment at the vets. Charlotte came along with Dad and me this evening and she was well interested in the procedure. I doubt if she would have been that happy and smiley if they had been sticking stuff in her ears!!

It seems that my right ear is looking a lot better than the left so Mum has taken over the drops as she reckons that Dad isn't doing it properly. I must admit that she was well gentle and it didn't bother me half so much.

We have to finish the bottle and go back again. I still don't like that vet as she won't offer me a sweetie. Thankfully, I met up with Jenny on my way home and she gave me a chew stick.

Got to go as it's time for a big snooze xx

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Lotions and Potions..............

...............Mum says I have more than the Wicked Witch of the West!
My ear infection isn't getting any better and the latest lot of stuff has to be applied three times a day. It's horrid. The new vet who I don't really like shoves swabs into them and then makes me go back the following day for the results. I've been four times so far and not one sweetie. She did suggest putting cotton wool into them. No chance, does she want me to lose my street cred and look like a loony?
Dad made sure I was comfy tonight and I have a cushion to lean on..............I do look poorly, don't I?

Thursday 11 March 2010


I really like Sally. I normally meet her at Bar Rincon when my Dad takes me out in the morning. Mum and Dad went out for ages today and when they came back Mum explained that Sally's Dad won't be here anymore.

It all means that Sally will be going to England soon with Julie and I'll never see her again. I feel well sad and will miss her loads.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Poor Lexie

My doggie friend, Lexie, has been piddling and drinking far too much lately so her parents took her off to see my vet friends. I felt a bit jealous at first...........all those treats!

She's quite poorly though and has been diagnosed as diabetic. My Mum says that she'll have to have an injection everyday to keep her well.

That's horrid, poor Lexie xxx

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Charlotte's Birthday

Mum and Dad went off to spend a couple of hours at Charlotte's birthday party earlier today. I'm sort of grounded because of my lady problems so I wasn't allowed to go.

I just get a quick walk around in the morning avoiding boy dogs which is a bit grim as I quite like the look of them at the moment. Dad says I'm a slapper!

Mum brought a lovely pink balloon home for me for a bit of a treat. Not a bit interesting.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

A Shiny Mess

I so need a haircut but Mum says that I would be too cold and it would be better to wait for a few weeks. Can you make out my nose?
She's in charge of taking me out at the moment because Dad is working. The usual problem, I don't get let off my lead and I don't meet my mates at the bar even though I do try to drag her there!
Roll on Saturday x

Monday 4 January 2010

New Year

Well, Mum says it is. I know that it's well cold when Dad takes me out during the evening and I'm well glad to be home again.

All the windows are closed which isn't normal and as I like to sit outside, I'm sulking.

I've been trying my hardest to get online all night but Mum has been chatting to Cousin Dean and this is my first chance to do my blog.

Happy New Year to all my mates xxx