Wednesday 30 January 2008


Mum said that we had to go for an early walk today as she had promised Dad that she would do a roast dinner this evening. All went well until she saw Auntie Pam and Uncle John sitting outside Penny's Bar. She didn't take much persuading to have a beer with them!

Actually, it was really nice because I met a lovely little girl and her mum took me to the park with them. She dropped loads of Quavers onto the floor too!

We were going to go home then but Mum spotted Auntie Caron and Charlotte at Antonio's bar.......another flippin' beer! THEN...................Dad turned up. No dinner and we are both grounded tomorrow!

Thursday 24 January 2008


I've been naughty again. Mum let me off the lead this morning so that I could have a run around the park. I was having such fun that I wouldn't go back to her when she called me. It seems that this is classed as bad behaviour and I could have been run over. I sense a new list coming on!

She wouldn't take me with her when she went to meet Dad earlier. I really hate being left at home so I behaved. Nothing ripped or broken and happen I might be allowed out tomorrow. Please Mum xx

Friday 18 January 2008


Mum took me to see the vet today as I had to be weighed again. Eight kilos! I must have big bones.

Now that I'm older, Dad thought he should explain why I need to have a monthly dose of anti-heart worm fluid placed on the back of my neck. It seems that mosquitoes can bring these worms and they attack the heart. There's no way back as the picture shows. It makes me shudder just to think of it.

He said that he'd leave the 'birds and bees' lecture to Mum..............I wonder where they go!

Sunday 13 January 2008

Hee Hee

Well, they do insist on leaving me on Sunday afternoon so what do they expect? I get really, really bored and have to pass the time on somehow.

I thought that I'd have a go at a magazine which I'd spotted on the dressing table. Wonderful fun. Dad said that it looked like a ticker tape parade had passed by and Mum couldn't work out how I had managed to get it. My secret!

Why did they come home early? They wouldn't have missed bowling and gone somewhere else without me, would they?

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Me and My Mum

She says that she is too old and wrinkly to have her photo on my blog but I love her and I think she is beautiful.
Love ya Mum xxx

Saturday 5 January 2008

No Shoes

Mum was telling me that the Three Kings come around tonight and leave presents for good children. They have to put their shoes outside the door so that the Kings know where they live.

Santa brought me a football but I'm a bit stumped with this one. I did think of sneaking Mum's slippers onto the balcony but what would I do with a bottle of brandy?

Friday 4 January 2008

Smelly Bone

Mum treated me to a bone from the pet shop this evening. I've loved it but she's really moaning that it smells so much. I thought she would be happy that it kept me quiet for so long. No pleasing some folk.

My six month deadline will be up soon and I've mastered most of the dreaded list. Who would have believed it? Wicked puppy turns good!

Get this...................Mum told me to sit and stay this evening. I can do that but looking at a biscuit six feet away was a little hard. I never moved until told. She was so amazed that we did it again. Two biscuits for me and hopefully, we will play that game tomorrow!