Thursday, 26 February 2009


The oldies decided that I needed a bath today and a good brushing to sort my scary hair out. I am so stupid sometimes and followed them into the bathroom without a worry in the world. Two minutes later and I'm wet. I so hate it and the brush afterwards. Dad cut my fringe and I sat in the sun for a little while to dry and get warm. Mum kept me company and read her book.

It was worth it though as I'm well shiny and we all went off to meet up with Liz and Lindsay. I haven't met them before but they are really nice. Lindsay fed me olives under the table. Scrummy and I'll love him forever!

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

A Bad Hair Day!

Mum was so amused about the state of my hair today that she let me go onto the bed for a pic.
I really need to go to that nice lady again for a cut and blow dry. No wonder I look so cross.

Friday, 13 February 2009

I've Been Sick..........

Twice! I feel OK and I've been eating my dinner but I was sick!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

A New Trick

I know that I always have a full dish of food to eat but the stuff in the bin is so much more interesting. I lie in wait until the oldies are fast asleep and then raid it. Potato peelings are ace!

Mum has been putting it out of reach at night but Dad says that I have to learn not to go into it. Is he so dumb to think that 'Bad dog, no bin' is going to work?