Thursday, 18 October 2007

My List

It really isn't going well and I don't think that education is 'my thing'. I don't want to learn and I reckon being a rebel is the best way to go!

That being my plan for today, I made life well difficult at home. As I'm tall enough to reach the coffee table now I can pinch things and hide them away under the sofa. So funny to watch the oldies searching for them! The rubbish bin is another good one and if I'm quick I get stuff to eat out of it. Much nicer than boring biscuits. A poo and a piddle in the lounge added to my wickedness!

I didn't expect Mum to get so cross. Three smacks on my bum, how undignified is that?! I'm a little chastened and have decided to rethink my strategy. Happen the cute face will work tomorrow!

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