Thursday, 2 July 2009

An Evening Out

Mum and Dad don't normally go out of an evening but as it was Terry and Helen's 'leaving do' they decided to show their faces and take me with them. It was still pretty hot but I sheltered under a table and waited for some snacks to come my way. I didn't have long to wait as little Sarah wasn't too good at holding on to her rusks!

I haven't had much company lately since the vet grounded me a couple of weeks ago and I've never been to a proper party so it was pretty brilliant. Uncle Mick tried to sneak a chicken leg for me but eagle eyed Mum spotted him and I never got it. Apart from that little disappointment it was good fun. Hayley ran me around for a while and all the other children came over for a cuddle. Half an hour off my lead too. All in all, parties are good............who will be leaving next?

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