Tuesday, 19 February 2008


Another label which has been stuck on me. I'm sad and grumpy tonight as everyone has a bit of a down on me. Even Mum smacked me today and that is so rare.

It all started so well. Dad took me down to the football ground and I chased Topsie's red ball for ages. Then we all went out for another walk which was a cunning plan to tire me out for the day. The oldies had dinner later and took me down to the church square for an hour or so. Stupidly, they expected me to have a nap but I wanted to join in with the children and play footie. Then I spotted some chewing gum which is my favourite sneaky snack. Another smack!

I did have a wuff or two with brother Cody earlier. He commiserates but couldn't come home and help. Dad says that I need an ASBO.

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