Thursday, 29 July 2010


The oldies have been discussing me and my woolly monkey look for a week or two. I presumed it was time for Candice to come and collect me but nothing has happened yet.

Then they mentioned a van.............what on earth are they up to?

Friday, 9 July 2010


Lexi´s Mum and Dad decided to get a new puppy this week as they missed her so much and needed another dog around the house. My Mum said that she felt the same when Top died and that is why she got me.
Annabella looks well cute and I´m so looking forward to meeting her.

Monday, 5 July 2010


I will be three on Thursday. I can´t wait for my pressies. Maybe Auntie Maz will find me another big bunnie and Mum and Dad might take me out for a treat.

So excited!