Thursday, 17 September 2009

Play Time

Mum and I have been having such fun out on the balcony this evening. We've had cuddles and chased my rabbits. Dad says that if the weather is still cool tomorrow I can go out with them. My paws are crossed!

Monday, 14 September 2009

A Slight Problem

It has been weeks and weeks since I succumbed to plaster scratching and Mum and Dad were talking about repairing the walls and having a repaint.

Something evil came over me this afternoon whilst they were saying bye to Ebony and Reece and I scratched and scratched. Under the sofa and no good girl biscuits.

I feel so guilty now as Mum looked well disappointed when she came home. I think that I might need counselling...........

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Not Cool

Mum has been interfering again and has deleted my posts. How on earth did she know my password?